Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's the Silly Season, Part 2

I was getting worried. It had been almost a week since Rand Paul said anything racist, callous or merely insane. Obviously someone had gotten to him. He probably hired a PR firm that told him not to say anything crazy. But then there was this interview with National Review:

Paul says he is trying to “nibble around the edges,” to “not be the person who says he will eliminate every department in the federal government. My dad freely will say that, that he would eliminate at least half of the departments, but he is just more forthright.”

There's something I really love about this. He's acknowledging his positions are unpopular, and radical, so he's admitting outright in an interview that he's simply not going to say what his positions are anymore. That's some fancy footwork there, Paul.

I think this campaign is going to continue to be fun.

Now on to another Senate race: Democrats are excited that Harry Reid has a seven-point lead over Sharron Angle. I'm not so sure this is something to break out the champagne about.

Sharron Angle has said if a woman gets pregnant from being raped it's part of God's plan. She's against water fluoridation. She wants to ban alcohol (I guess she doesn't want Las Vegas votes).

And Harry Reid is leading by only seven points? How insane does a candidate have to be before American voters turn against them en masse? And how bad a campaigner is Harry Reid if a seven-point lead is the best he can do against a complete lunatic?

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