Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Week in God

Passion 2.0: Last Friday Trinity Church in New York retold the story of Jesus' arrest and death via Twitter. (OMG. Theyre freeing Barabbas? WTF?)

If you're an observant Jew and dog owner who really considers your pet "part of the family," good news: not only can your dog keep kosher, one Robert Uri Heller of Chicago will conduct a seder just for Fido.

And so Christian cats won't feel left out: just because Kitty couldn't go to Palm Sunday or Easter services doesn't mean he can't follow along with the Lectionary.

Well, they'll have to re-program the GPS: an archaeologist has come to the conclusion that the pilgrims walking the Via Dolorosa are going the wrong way.

Hurling pots out windows, making a 4,000 egg omelette, and ringing cowbells: for some people it's just another Easter.

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